Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Coming up for air...

Well, with two kiddos it's hard to post as frequently as I'd like to.  I think of things to post all day long, but having time to actually sit down and use both hands is a highly sought after commodity.

Every thing is going really well.  LittleGuy nurses like a champ all day long - we're not on a strict schedule.  If we're home he'll actually nap in his crib, if we're out, he'll nap in his carrier for eternity.  He also loves snoozing in the "wrap" (I LOVE wearing my baby) or the Baby Bjorn.  At night he gets his last meal from me at 8pm, daddy gives him a bottle at 10, then LittleGuy sleeps until around 3.  So, I'm up then and again at 6:30-ish. It's really not bad.  I can deal with it now that I know what's coming.  And boy, is this little baby growing!  He's starting to get some fat on his thighs and he doesn't fit in the newborn clothes anymore.  He is 7 weeks old and already holding his head up (for a few seconds) and trying to "stand" up when we prop him on our legs.  He smiles a lot, especially when people are very close to his face - he especially loves the sound of Papabear's voice.

Littleman continues to thrive in preschool.  We are constantly working with him on his attitude and "drama-queen-ness", but otherwise, he remains the funny, cuddly, silly little boy we love so much.  Below you'll find a video of him  reciting the pledge of allegiance, along with a couple of photos.  Enjoy.
LittleGuy looking "thug-like" on my b-day.
Sorry about the lighting, but look at that smile.
This was taken literally minutes before posting.  He is "standing." :)

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  1. OMG, THis is the cutest picture in the world!!!!

  2. Love the pledge! AJ & I are watching, too cute, thanks for sharing!
