Thursday, December 29, 2011

Renovations begin...

This pink room was the first to get 'gutted.' It will be Liam's when all is said and done. Chuckie and I took down the wallpaper and pulled up the carpet. The hardwood was delivered today and will be installed after we get all the wallpaper down. Liam, shown below, really worked hard today. I am so proud of him. He spent the entire day at the house with us. He picked up bits of wallpaper that blew into the yard after Chuck and I threw the carpet out the window (there's a dumpster now). He took trash to the dumpster and helped in any and every way he could. He didn't whine or complain. He was just so happy to be a part of this adventure.
This blue room, to be Finn's, is proving to be much more difficult. The blue wall paper came down without a's the circa 1970's floral print that is being a cranky pants. After hours of pain staking scraping, with little results, I sent Chuckie and Mira out to rent a steamer. We'll see how that goes.
Here's a shot of the play room. The carpet is actually not bad, except for the three cat's-w0rth=over-2o-years issue. So, that is also going to be ripped out and replaced. Lots of things happening over the course of the next few weeks. And Amber, I, too, wish you were here to help me renovate. Just about every room needs to be painted...oy.
Oh, here's that blue room with SOME of the floral print removed. That 'hole' there took over 45 minutes to unearth. What a pain!
I thought I'd end on something we DO NOT have to replace or fix. Lovely wood floors in the living and dining area.
In between scraping wallpaper, I am taking off all the baseboard covers and washing them and vacuuming out all the cat hair. It's loads of fun...sort of. Tedious, but all to an awesome end. And while I'd love to hire someone to strip and paint, I love working as a family to make our home OUR HOME. I love that Liam is involved and excited.

And mostly, I LOVE how much my family is helping. My mom and sister kept Finn all day long. Chuckie and Mira are scraping and peeling all day long. I am a very lucky and grateful girl. Well, now it's time to take the 'thank-you-brownie' out of the oven for my peeps.

OH, one last thing - the new house has literally NO cell reception. As we'll be spending a majority of our time there, I will send out the land line we had installed so you can stay up to date...or just check back here.

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