Friday, November 27, 2009

The turkey has come and gone...

Well, technically, the turkey is still with us in the form of blessed leftovers!  Mmmmm, can't wait for my sandwich at lunch today.  I prepped everything for turkey day the day before, so all there was to do was put the turkey in the oven and wait.  SO, we decided to put up our tree.  As I have mentioned, Littleman is beyond excited about the holidays, so we went ahead and got them rolling.  We had a really nice morning together and a very nice afternoon with the family.  Here are some photos:

These two are just of LittleGuy gearing up for chilly mornings...


Papabear is always cracking me up...

Yes, our tree topper is a chicken.

I included this one not so much to showcase our tree but to show that while my boobs and belly continue to grow, my butt appears to be keeping itself at bay.

This is serious business for Littleman.

The beloved 19 lb turkey....

LittleGuy hung out here for two hours while we decorated the tree!!

Always love an opportunity to use the wedding china.

My little turkeys with grandma (Maday).

Let the feasting begin!!

Grandma brought some fun stuff!

I can be an airplane, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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