Most recently, Little Finn has developed an allergy to milk. Two weeks ago we had a really scary incident. I mixed a tiny bit of formula to make his cereal at dinner (didn't have any thawed breastmilk and I didn't think it would hurt). Within in minutes of eating his food his face turned red, eyes were blood shot, and then his eyes started to swell shut. Thankfully, Papabear's urgent care is very close and Littleman understood that this was an emergency - Finn was being treated within 11 minutes of me seeing that he was having a very bad reaction. At the urgent care, they gave Finn a shot of epi, benadryl, and steroids and in less than ten minutes he was back to normal. It was scary though, very scary.
SO, we've taken him to an allergist - a pretty UNhelpful one. He did order a blood test, though, (results to come back early this week, I hope) and said I definitely need to lay off all milk products. We'll see what the blood test reveals as to any more allergies. Finn's pediatrician, at his 6 month well visit, is concerned about his eczema - which as far as I can see has gotten better since I no longer partake in butter, cheese, and all the other lovelies made with milk. BUT, she says it's the worst she's seen. Tomorrow we are taking the little guy to a derm specialist in Dallas. Hopefully she can sort some of this out - his face is so red and dry and itchy. He looks so uncomfortable most of the time...I just want him to be healthy and happy. What else?
So there's the Finn situation for now.
In other news, the best thing that has happened recently is my joining of a new gym. Costco offers a two year membership at 24hour Fitness for $299. That works out to roughly 12 bucks a month and you really can't beat that. It's NO Lifetime (my old gym), that's for sure. There's no fancy pools for the kids, no eucalyptus steam shower, and definitely no towel service. BUT, it does have Step Aerobics and Zumba classes. And it does have a lap pool for the days when I am not taking a class. It works. Last week was my first day and tears sprang to my eyes as I stumbles up and over and all around my step. I was SO happy. I couldn't believe how happy I was . THIS is what has been missing. Things are fine and swell, but when it comes to my health, nothing compares to group exercise. I really just NEED it. It gets all sorts of endorphins and what not pumping through my veins that makes me sleep better, eat better, and just plain BE better. I don't know why my lovely elliptical machine and exercise ball at home do that...but, I don't need to ponder that for the next two years.
Well, Finn is sleeping and I'd like to make a chicken salad for lunch. Think I'll go do that. Hope to get some video up soon. Oh, here are some fun Finn stats.
At 6 months:
-15 lbs, 12 oz, 26 inches
-can roll over - front to back, back to front, but prefers to just hang out on his back and swat at things.
-gurgles and coos the CUTEST nonsens.
-has cut his first two teeth just last week - bottom two.
-loves his Jumparoo and walker.
-loves sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, prunes. Is okay with peas, carrots. Might be allergic to apricots.
My almost 9 month old is roughly the same size. I know I have small babies, but really, I hope you're not worrying about him being "underweight". Your pediatrician is silly. (And don't compare him to LittleMan--formula babies weigh A LOT more than breastfed babies.)