Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thank You Beach

When things go really well for me I immediately want to thank people. Every action and event in my life is touched and shaped by others, so I feel like any good I get should be acknowledged and shared with so many.

Things are going really well. Really, really well right now. And even though I have a migraine threatening to burst through my right temple at the moment, the boys are playing nicely in the tub and here is where my brain is at.

The beach. (And forgive me now, because I have that childish kind of mind that actually fantasizes things like 36 years old while her kids are in the tub...) yeah, it's not that kind of beach. It's an island actually.

And my mom is there. And my dad. And my step mom and step dad. And my mother-in-law. Because, amazingly, they all love the beach. And if I had my way, I'd say thank you to them by taking them to a beach.

I'd write in the sand at their feet, "thank you for raising me to be grateful and hard working. Thank you for pushing me to excel at school and whatever it is that makes me happy. Thank you for believing in me and loving me. Thank you for being that financial crutch from time to time when, despite hard work, things just got too tight. Thank you for giving me purpose. Thank you for sending me out there. Thank you for listening to all my crazy hopes and dreams and hoping for the best. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My life is what it is, thanks to all of you."

That would take up a lot of sand...hence the island...not to mention they'd all probably want their own space....and I'd want to invite a big handful of friends who also have listened to endless ideas and scenarios of how my life would turn out...they should be at the "thank you beach," too, don't you think? I mean, hey, this IS a fantasy, so why not?

I suppose some of you are wondering what's so great that's worthy of all this thankfulness. Well, it's a little early to be getting into that....but soon. Soon I hope to have all sorts of good things to share. And if not, at least there's today. A day full of good news and hope and sun and friends...oh and a truly sinfully delicious chocolate pavlova.

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