Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The healing power of gingerbread

SO, things seem to be getting better.  I bought a pre-baked gingerbread house kit and we assembled it last night.  The construction crew consisted of Littleman, two uncles, two aunts, and myself.  We had such a great time.  Below are some pictures of our visit here in AZ.  It's actually pretty chilly, so Littleman and I had to buy sweatshirts at the zoo.  We looked a little dorky, but we were warm. 

The Gingerbread Team - how do you like Littleman's frosting goatee?

Our finished house.


Phoenix Zoo:














And how cool is my dad?  Here he is on his new Harley and my brother on the Honda.  Can you believe I'm related to such coolness?  Me either.


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  1. Looks like you had such a nice time at the zoo! I'm glad your brother was there to help you. :-)

  2. That house looked a little too perfect... You brought in Martha Stewart, didn't you?!?
