Or is it a horse? You know that whole thing when there's an "issue" that everyone ignores and they call it an "elephant on the table" or "a horse in your living room" or "bulldozer in your bathtub"? (I made that last one up...but I might have made up the first two, as well...but you guys know what I mean, right?)
Anyway, this whole getting a job thing is my elephant, hence that lame purse post. I haven't wanted to talk about it...to anyone. I spent three six hour days in in-service and tomorrow is open house, where I get to meet my students (after I walk Littleman through his open house). As a librarian, I showed up, read books, taught kids how to use and love the library, and had the most wonderful assistant in the world who made sure all my ducks were in a row. NOW, I have to TEACH kids real stuff like how to write their name and LETTERS! I have to ASSESS them every six weeks and note their progress and make adjustments to my plans to make sure they succeed and send notes to parents, in addition to serving snack and cleaning the toilet at the end of every afternoon! And all for a pitiful hourly wage that would make you weep.
Okay, I am making this sound so much worse than it is. It's only a few hours a day (3.5 to be exact) and Littleman is just down the hall. It will keep me busy. I will get pregnant...one day... and stop working eight or so months after that. In the meantime, I really can't judge whether or not I will like, love, or hate this job until it really starts next week. And I should end with the fact that the woman who opened the school is amazing and inspiring and an absolute pleasure to work for. And we all know what a difference it makes to work for someone you respect, etc., etc.
I'm posting some pictures of the last couple of weeks that help me keep my mind off of my impending future. Enjoy.
We found a beach/lake not too far from our house. It's a little ghetto-ish, but Littleman was happy as can be.
A day at the museum in Dallas' "Fair Park".
I'm not sure if you can see, but that ferris wheel says "Texas" across it. It was mighty impressive.
This next one is UDDERLY ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?
Enjoying our splash park:
Here Littleman and his friend were trying to kiss each other (as instructed by mamabear) but kept cracking up. It was pretty funny.
They did manage a peck here and there, but my camera was just too slow to capture it.
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