Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dark clouds gathering...

I have been avoiding posting this week.  We received some bad news about Papabear's dad.  It is so hard to watch the people I love suffer.  It is so hard to watch my two year old fall in love with his "Papa" and know in a few weeks I'll have some really tough explaining to do.  It is so hard not to know how to comfort my husband.  It's all so hard.

It's so hard to know that my BF is going through the EXACT same thing right now and I am not there to help her and hug her...

I am so filled with love...filled with love for all of these people.  I want to walk around with down comforters and warm chocolate chip cookies and wrap every one up and feed them.  I don't know what else to do.

Frickity frick.  It is COLD today!  We actually had a few snowflakes two days ago.  I am NOT's just really cold in my office this morning. 

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