Thursday, February 28, 2008

What my son sees...

It's funny how you can forget that your child witnesses everything you do and say.  Today Littleman and I walked to the playground.  I was pulling him in his wagon.  It was 68 and sunny, and there were lots of people out jogging, dog walking, etc.  As we entered the playground I said, "hello," to a mom and her child on their way out.  I turned to take Littleman out of the wagon and he said, "Mommy, you say hello to EVERYONE." 

I do, don't I?  It didn't even occur to me that I'd said, "hello" to every one we passed.

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1 comment:

  1. That's such a nice thing, though... I try to say hello (at least with my eyes) to pretty much everyone... It can make all the difference to someone who is having a crappy day!
