Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ice Skating!


Here's Littleman ICE SKATING!!!  It was his first time on ice and he loved it.  The instructor said he did incredible - they usually don't give lessons to children under three and a half. (We had a free-be for the morning.) After only a little while, I could skate three or four feet from Littleman and he could skate to me!  Wobbly, but all by himself!  It was a fun morning...but my back...arg.

Oh, one more thing.  I have lost ten pounds since my bad (cholesterol) blood test...although, from the picture below you will not be able to tell - hey, they say the camera adds ten pounds!  And look how skinny my legs look! Okay, I know, my legs always look skinny.  Stop looking at me and look at that smile on Littleman!!!


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