Sunday, June 29, 2008


Isn't that what gold diggers would shout when they hit the mother load?  Well, I want to shout because I have found a group of women who not only seem to enjoy my company, BUT, are totally cool with letting their kids run around naked.  It'd be heaven if a couple of my buddies from back east could drop by with their naked babies.

We went to a bbq yesterday and all five kids, ages 17 months to 4, were just naked.  It started with the little wading pool, then eating lunch, then the sandbox, then watermelon, then racing cars up and down the driveway...their little bums had us grown ups laughing all afternoon. 

I think naked children remind me of a time when things were simpler....much simpler.  Perhaps not easier, but just simpler.

It's been 100+ degrees here all weekend and I think, even though Littleman probably won't get it at all, Papabear and I are just going to take him to see that new Disney movie, Wall-E.  Cranked A/C (that we don't have to pay for) and popcorn here we come! (I might even splurge and get a diet coke...mmmm)

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1 comment:

  1. You know, Clark thinks that movie will be so awesome, and I'm just not feeling it... Maybe I am just a scrooge, but it looks too weird for me... Hope it's good if you go to see it, though...
