Saturday, June 21, 2008

Little surprises...

are what keep us going these days.

Tonight, driving home from a bbq, we saw fireworks, or as Littleman calls them, "boom boom booms."  What a treat.  Littleman was nearly asleep (as it was 9:30 and well past bedtime), when all of a sudden a bright flower in the sky takes our breath away.  Even Papabear smiled.

Another surprise, a friend called this morning and invited us over for swimming and dinner because she thought my hubby might need a little fun.  *sigh*  He really does.  And even if he didn't go swimming, he did have a few beers and laughed while his son and our friend's son rode tricycles in the nude.

Yesterday, I went into Littleman's room at naptime fully expecting to see him pulling off all the books on his bookshelf.  However, I discovered him curled up under his covers clutching his cuddle-bear.  The sweetness of a sleeping three year old is breath-taking.  They are magnificent to behold, like giant bubbles, shimmering and magical, reflecting all the wonder of the world around you, about to POP at any moment.  All that energy suspended...for just a few moments...breath-taking.

And yet another surprise, I like yogurt again.  It has grossed me out since I was pregnant and now, all of a sudden, I am loving it.  No, dear friends, do not get the wrong idea, it is not a "craving" (*sigh, I wish it were*), merely a rekindled love.  I am happy about this because I don't drink milk and I am sure my aging bones need the calcium.

And finally, I have pretty much kicked the Diet Coke out of my life.  At first I went cold turkey - no diet coke for two whole weeks.  It was tough, but I made it.  Then, I realized that no diet coke at all would just kill me, so I've knocked it down to one every other day or two days if I can make it.  SO, all I drink is water...occasionally with a lemon.  Super exciting, isn't it? 

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  1. Shines ... or Ms. Alot ..., Your day is a story. The children riding tricycles in the nude. In the story, you could have the adults ride the tricycles in the nude after the children have been put to bed. Your description of a sleeping three-year-old resembling a bubble is brilliant, just brilliant. It's a story!Speaking of calcium: What do you do if Calcium knocks at your door? Vitamin.

  2. VITAMIN!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Love it! Right up my alley. And, dear Lee, if you are talking about US adults riding they tricycles in the nude, that would be a HORROR story, for sure! ;)

  3. I would have to concur with the idea that nude adults on tricycles is not all too appealing! Teeheehee... Sounds like something Boogie would do, for sure... Every morning that I have to wake Boogie up, I think of what a shame it is that I have to disturb the most peaceful time I will spend with him all day... ::sigh:: Aren't 3-year-olds so much fun, though?!?
