At the gym, my favorite shower is the fourth stall on the left. It has the best water pressure. I do enjoy the mornings "my" stall is available.
Today I had a massage. When I finally emerged out of the room, groggy, and totally relaxed, the masseur said, "How's sleeping beauty doing?" I groaned, "Oh no, did I snore?" He paused, smiled, laughed a little, then responded, "Not *so* much." How awful is that?
Well, I have a much worse story...many of you have heard it before, but since it's never made it to print, here goes. Rememer when I was about 8 months pregnant and I was offered a free pregnancy massage? I was so excited. However, not ONLY did I fall asleep and snore, but I farted as well! And the masseuse was a parent of one of my students!!!! I was mortified. She was gracious, though, and said the two biggest compliments you can give a masseuse are either a fart or snoring! The guy today was good - I honestly have not been that relaxed in a LONG time.
One weekend BBQ down, one more to go tomorrow. It's 95-ish degrees and HUMID. It's pretty gross, but every where we go there are pools, so as long as you get wet, it's not so bad.
Hope every one out there is having a great, long weekend.
Funny how we get so attached to certain bathroom or shower stalls, isn't it? I remember how, in college, i would wait for the one shower even if no one was in the shower on the right because the light was so much better in the left shower... Strange, but true... Glad to hear that you survived the week -- though I am not surprised... You're amazing, and you need to give yourself more credit! I think that the "massage money" is a great idea -- go for it! Stay cool...