Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Silly rabbit...

So I'm uploading some photos of a baking playdate (Baking with B****, isn't that cute?) I had at my house today.  (I know what you're thinking: baking with 8 preschoolers? Are you nuts? And the answer is an emphatic, YES.  It was complete and total chaos, but it was tons of fun.  The kids had a great time "baking" and making a mess and the moms were so helpful with the kids and cleaning up. Worth the heat rash under my pony tail!)  Oh, as a pat on my own shoulder, I'd like to say that I pulled this off while still caring for TWO kiddos, little Nini is with us until tomorrow.

Anyway, back to the pictures.  The pictures of Littleman are so you can admire how serious he takes his baking.  The ones of me are NOT to marvel at how I have only lost six pounds and still look pregnant even though I go to the gym at least 5 days a week, but to admire my awesome tan!  I don't wear less than 40 spf, applied at least twice a day, and still, golden!  I know the sun's rays are evil...but I do love a nice tan... Definitely makes me feel less fat.  Again, I KNOW!  Doesn't make any sense, hence the title of today's blog entry.



Nice melon. Hee hee.


Good gracious, look at that belly! Okay wait...there has GOT to be a more flattering picture...let me check the photo folder..um...well, aside from looking exceptionally nerdy, this one is a little better....right?

I SWEAR my boobs were always that big...sad to say (I know what some of you are thinking, but the grass is always greener, girls!) I know, I am silly, so, so silly.  You guys know I don't care what I look like, right?  I fuss about it and wish I was thinner (on an hourly basis), but really, I am cool with it.  I do what I can.  I drink a lot of water, try to stay away from red meat and eggs.  I use smartbalance instead of butter.  It's all good.  And it's fun to laugh about it.  

Well, it's past 10pm here and I have at least two loads of laundry to fold...ug... 

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  1. It seems that makes two of us -- I am always thinking about the unfairness of my choosing to eat better, give up soda, work out more often, etc. as I continue to retain and gain... I know that Clark appreciates my extra curves, even if I can't stand them, so I guess that makes it a little better... I guess we are some seriously hot mamas -- whether we want to admit it or not!

  2. Dude, your curves ARE hot! Mine...sadly are less curvy and more mountain-y. But, as I said, whatever! :)
