Saturday, December 6, 2008

Game on...

So, we're in full Christmas mode over here.  I baked for six hours the other day - I thought I was being "super mom" by baking ALL of the gingerbread in one day (I usually do it over the course of a week because my great grandmother's recipe yields over a hundred cookies), however, now I am wondering if I was just having a "manic" experience.  I mean, who bakes for six hours in a row????  Still, they look good, don't they?  I've already boxed them up and started giving them away. 

I was going to make two other varieties of cookies...however, the results of my cholesterol test were not so hot.  As a matter of fact, they were so bad I am not going to blog about it.  Instead, I am going to NOT bake more cookies and NOT wallow in the slight shame I have for not being able to lower my number.  I am busying myself with cards to send out, presents to wrap, and enjoying pre-holiday festivities (such as the tree lighting we went to last night).


I totally love our tree.  Littleman has such a good time decorating it.  Papabear bought himself a cowboy boot stocking last night...I'll have to get a picture of that.  He wanted to buy one for all of us, but I said it wasn't worth the $, and Littleman took one look at it and declared, "Um, I don't like that, Dad."  SO, just one cowboy boot hanging by the fire this year. 

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  1. Hey, I wonder if they would ship well??? LOL!!!! The tree looks beautiful too!!

  2. O, well, thank you for the article that you wrote your article! A lot of time I was trying to find some new material for me, and I guess I have it thanks to you. Thank`s once more. I will be waiting for exciting articles that you write.
