Saturday, September 13, 2008

As promised...

Here are some pics of Littleman's first day of preschool.  So far, the biggest change I've seen in him since he started is that he sings all the time now.  I love hearing him sing all day long...


He got new, adorable sneakers and a "safety violation" cone which had to be included in the picture.

Next, we took Littleman for a haircut and the girl butchered his hair...I'm not sure you can tell how awful the haircut is because his radiant smile is so distracting...but the bangs are a wretched arch over his, it's really awful. I tried "styling" his hair in the morning with a little mousse for that "messy-spiked" look - Littleman would have none of that.  He screamed like I was torturing his soul.  I can't blame him, I don't style my own hair, why should he have to suffer.  We're waiting for it to grow out...well I am, I'm not sure Papabear can handle it, he might take the boy in for a trim this weekend.

Finally, here we are with Cousin Nini, Aunt J, and Maday at the lake.  Everyone is partaking in Littleman's famous "flamingo" move, also known as "SA-MIN-GO."

As I wrap up this post, it is 9 am here in Texas and the sky is gray and the wind is picking up.  Welcome, Hurricane Ike.

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