Saturday, August 8, 2009

Final nesting...

Today I sewed, ironed, and hung curtains for the baby's room.  They are SO not special...and if you were to check closely, you'd find that they are very crooked and asymetrical (no one tell Papabear).  That's the reason I hung them myself (not the rod, just the curtains).  I really wanted to have some applique stars or something to put on the plain blue panels, but I couldn't find anything.  If any one reading this knows where to find easy to sew-on or even better, iron-on appliques, please let me know.

I also found some adorable t-shirt iron-ons for Littleman and his brother.  You'll immediately see why I liked them.  They are basically Papabear and I's favorite breakfasts! 

Finally, Littleman wanted to take a picture of me while I made him popcorn.  Not sure why I'm including it.He is being so sweet.  I was in bed reading the other afternoon and he went to the kitchen, filled a bowl with blueberries, and brought them to me saying, "I thought you might like a snack."  While he is indeed a drama queen, he really has such a sweet, sweetness about him.  Ohhh, would you look at that...a little double chin

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1 comment:

  1. Dude... Double chins run in my family... On people who aren't even fat... I swear, my chin is one of the first places I gain weight!
