Tuesday, August 4, 2009

That time of year...

Twice a year I get a royalty check from my publisher.  I am always surprised that there are still people buying my library games...but apparently there are.  667 games were sold in the last six months.  That's enough to pay for five months of preschool for Liam and a pedicure for myself.  I might also get a massage. 

They have not been biting at my other game ideas...I wish they would as it's such an easy way to make a little extra cash.  I'm going to keep pestering them.  I think I might also make a postcard advertising my game and send it out to the elementary schools here.  Can you believe that there are 21 elementary schools in our district alone???? TWENTY ONE!!!  Insane really. 

Today we had a little birthday playdate.  It was a very dear friend's birthday, so I hosted a little ham and cheese/let the kids run wild type of event.  We had a wonderful time.  Ham and cheese sandwiches are yummy, another friend made her famous gourmet cupcakes, and the kids tore up the place.  I can tell you that I won't be hosting another playdate of that proportion again for a long time.  It was so nice, but, I am WIPED out.  I always think I can do anything and everything.  I keep forgetting that I am nine months pregnant...well, not forgetting.  It's hard to forget when you groan every time you stand up. 

I didn't really do any work, chucked some ham and cheese on a plate and said, "Make yourself a sandwich."  But, just being social for a few hours exhausted me.  I usually never let the other mamas stick around to clean up.  I am (ridiculously) anal about where all the toys go - it's embarrassing...but it is what it is.  Today, however, I ASKED one of my friends to stay and help.  I still had to vacuum after she left...and do some more tidying..and now...well...I just want to curl up on the couch and pass out.  Which I think I might do in just a moment.

Yesterday Littleman had his four year check up.  He's doing great.  He's a little on the light/short side - but neither Papabear nor I are very tall.  And the only question he couldn't answer completely or in great detail was his address. (We are still working on that.)  The downside of this visit was the shots.  He was missing one so he needed FIVE of them.  It was awful.  They still administer them in the thigh, so they asked me to hold him down.  Awful, but quick.  And at this age, he is very quickly appeased by a lollipop - and they gave him FOUR (sugar-free, thank goodness).

I need to get a pic up of his dinosaur that he made at camp last week.  He loved it.  So tired now...need to rest...the couch beckons...


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  1. Boogie got shots in his arms at his 4 year well visit, and I was a bit shocked that they thought he was "big enough" for that... I think I would have rather seen just one more batch of vaccinations in his legs!

  2. Yikes...that sounds awful....shots in general - they just suck!
