Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's a boy!

So, if you're not sure what that arrow is pointing boys have 'em!  Just about everyone was wrong about this little guy!  Nearly everyone guessed girl AND that damn chinese chart managed to fool us, too!  It was correct for Littleman, but not for this little buddy....well, now we know - two totally different pregnancies can still yeild the same gender.  And for the record, my brother, Will, said BOY, way back on Christmas eve when I told him I was pregnant.  Go Will!

Did I want a little girl?  Sure, it would have been nice to buy dresses and have someone to color with until I was in my late forties, but I am not disappointed.  The baby is healthy, proportionate, 13 ounces, and chugging along "perfectly," as stated by my OB.  Can a person really ask for more?  I think not. A brother for Littleman...I can't wait to tell him when I pick him up in a few minutes.  Papabear was with me this morning and did not seem the least bit surprised.  Well, no more surprised than had they said, girl.  He really did not care one way or the other.  He was just happy to see things are moving along as they should.

Don't ask about names.  I have one but Papabear is insisting we "do it right."  What does that mean????  I guess he means make lists and such.  Needless to say, we probably won't tell until the baby comes.  Hey, stop laughing.  I mean it.  I am NOT telling a soul.  I know all you girls back east are chuckling none too softly.  Seriously, my lips are sealed.  Seriously.

And finally, this little guy is a kicker!  Well, at this point, they are not really kicks, more like flutters, but he is fluttering A LOT!  He wasn't still for more than a millisecond during the ultrasound.  Waving his arms, kicking his legs...hmmm...and I thought Littleman was active....oh boy.  :)

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  1. I have to laugh.... someone to color with? My little girl has her markers in her hand right now. Do you know what she's doing? She is climbing on top of the table and underneath the table and taking the caps off the markers and throwing them (the color wonder markers that are safe). The stereotypes are completely reversed in this house!

  2. Ahhhh, but talk to me in two or three years...I colored with my sisters until they hit puberty! I miss it....oh well, I'll have to fly over there and color with yours.

  3. That ultrasound is priceless... Boogie's was just as obvious, and I am glad to see that someone else has a little exhibitionist on her hands! Teeheehee... Someone told me I should save a copy for prom night -- so I could show his girlfriend and tell her that she's already seen in and doesn't need to investigate on her own! LOL... Congrats again on the healthy little man... I am sure that Littleman will make a great big brother!
