Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I finally voted for a winner...

but, more importantly, for the first time since I have given a remote hoot about politics and the world outside of myself, I truly feel like our country is going to change for the better.  I am lying, I'm not really thinking about the world outside myself, I am thinking about the world we are going to leave for my little boy.  I don't think Barack Obama can fix everything, but I do believe he can get us on the right path.  I hope so with all my heart.

What an amazing night in history.  What an amazing time for our country.   I cried tears of pride for our country this evening.  Obama fills me with hope.

On a funny note, did any of you notice the man Oprah Winfrey was leaning on at the rally?  Seemingly a nameless white dude.  Papabear called him Oprah's "crowd couch."  As in, she is so wealthy she can pay a dude to lean on.  I cried again, tears of laughter, at my very funny hubby's observation.

If only Tim could have been here to witness this amazing election....he would have been SO, SO excited.  I can just hear him in my heart...

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